Customer Testimonials

Read What the Critics are Saying…

“I'm so glad you're back! My son won't eat any other brand, my husband HATED pesto until he tried Villa’s, it truly is the best pesto we've ever had.”

Debra Zanicki, a busy mom in Ottawa

“The best pesto easy to use!”

Holly Wentworth, Windsor, ON

“Fabulous... lauded by gourmands for its rich flavour and velvety texture.”

Ron Eade, Ottawa Citizen

“Real Genovese pesto recipe... Wonderful sauce...Award winning.”

Marion Kane, The Toronto Star

Click on the above image to see the results of the 2010 Peoples Picks.

Villa's Sauces Available at:

Scheffler's Delicatessen

St Lawrence Market - Upper Level 7
Toronto, ON
Tel.: 416.364.2806

Its back! Villa’s Authentic Sauces are back in the market and here to stay! Villa’s comeback to the retail market in 2012 is a result of consumers’ demand for the best (and only) authentic pesto Genovese. Based on a family recipe, the sauce line was launched in 1991 for demanding chefs in the food service industry. Villa’s pioneered the use of fresh herbs back then and we continue to use ONLY fresh local herbs in all our sauces; we are the first company to launch an arugula pesto and the lemon puree that was developed in 2002 for chefs but now available in retail.

Bringing Global Flavours to Life...One Great Product at a Time!

Villa's Authentic Sauces Inc.

1750 The Queensway, Suite 306
Toronto, ON 
M9C 5H5

Call us toll free: 1-855-4SAUCES (472-8237) Ext. 1

©  2017 Villa's Authentic Sauces  | All Rights Reserved

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